Experience the Pascià lifestyle and explore Taormina and its surroundings.
About Pascià
Pascià was created to excite its guests, through a unique stay and experience.
Via Nazionale 70, 98039 TAORMINA IT
+393342813134 +393351632111 pasciataormina@gmail.com
Pascià was born to excite...
That's what we would like our guests to be clear about when they decide to visit us.
Discover the collection of unique stays spread throughout the enchanting town of Taormina, perched 200 meters above sea level. Each property offers a unique perspective of this picturesque and historic place with breathtaking views of both the serene sea and the majestic volcano Mount Etna.
Each lodging has different features and furnishings, each has unique design peculiarities and characteristics, recalling historical nods combined with modern and creative furnishings, all accompanied by views that will leave you breathless.

Our Guests Say:
If you want to have a genuine experience of what it’s like to live like a local in one of the most beautiful towns in the world, but at the same time enjoy a concierge style service from your hosts, and luxurious surroundings with stunning views to match, then Pascià is your solution. I had a fabulous stay! What made the stay truly memorable was the host Dario, who went out of his way to ensure we had a memorable stay in Taormina.